Breakfast at ABC provides good energy
Start your day well by enjoying a tasty breakfast at ABC. All ABC service station stores offer a daily breakfast platter that also includes coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. In addition to the breakfast platter, some ABC service station stores also offer morning porridge and a generous breakfast buffet. Breakfast options and recommended sales prices: Breakfast platter
Croissant, bacon, Frankfurters, meatballs and vegetables
Recommended sales price: €9.90, incl. coffee, tea or hot chocolate
Porridge breakfast
Oat or multi-grain porridge with jam or butter
Recommended sales price: €2.00, incl. a drink, e.g. a glass of milk.
Breakfast buffet
The buffet includes frankfurters, bacon, fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, fresh bread, karelian pies, cold cuts, cheese, berries, fresh fruits, vegetables and yogurt
Recommended sales price: €11.90 €, incl. coffee, tea or hot chocolate
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You can check the breakfast options, prices and service hours of ABC stations from ABC-mobiili or at

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