ABC service stations offer services for those on the road with a camper van or a caravan. For members of SF Caravan, our services are offered at special prices.
Our caravan parks offer overnight parking in the service station's parking area. The service stations have marked parking spaces for camper vans and caravans, and parking permits are available at the cash desk. The permit is valid for one day at a time.
Electricity and septic tank emptying points are also available at most ABC service stations. Please check the availability of services at each service station online.
Caravan park prices:
Overnight stay €10 (€5 for S-Etukortti and SFC card holders)
Electricity €5/day
Prices of sanitation services such as emptying of septic tanks and chemical toilets and access to waste water drains vary.

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”Tärkeintä on, että matka jatkuu” – ABC-latauksen asiakaspalvelu kehittyy palautteen mukana

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