Liquid Gas

We sell AGA’S LPG at ABC stations. At ABC, you can exchange AGA’s steel cylinders of 2 kg, 5 kg and 11 kg, as well as composite cylinders of 5 kg and 10 kg, regardless of their size without an extra charge. From 21 June 2022 onward, steel and composite cylinders (casing) are therefore all the same price. When you exchange cylinders, you only pay for the gas depending on the size and quality of the cylinder.
When exchanging composite cylinders, the only exchangeable composite cylinders are the 5 and 10 kg cylinders supplied by AGA.
You can find a lot of useful information about LPG and how it can be used safely from AGA’s website.
Other things to note:
Motor gas cylinders can only be exchanged with motor gas cylinders.
We do not accept foreign LPG bottles at ABC stations.

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